Buy a food scale. Did I just SAY that? Out loud?
Yes. I have been converted. Buy a good one (about $30) that
looks nice so you can keep it on your counter. You will need it to measure food
if you’re counting calories and many of the recipes I post here will be
measured in grams. This is particularly true of soups because it’s difficult to
actually measure them any other way.
I was so very resistant to the food scale in the beginning.
It seemed awkward and intrusive and I didn’t like it one bit. I got used to it
and I even have one that travels with me. It’s necessary. Like everything else,
it just becomes a part of the routine.
One of the biggest obstacles for me throughout this process
was I didn’t ever want to feel conspicuous. Even conspicuous in my own
home…taking the extra time and energy to weigh and measure my food; let alone
write it down. Before long it was normal and just a part of our life.
Now, in Disney World earlier this year when we ate at Rain
Forest Café and I asked for a gluten-free menu, the chef CAME OUT and STOOD AT
OUR TABLE. I don’t know what my issue is but this was mortifying to me. I don’t
like being the center of attention in an entire restaurant. So if you contrast
using a food scale at home to being the center of attention in an entire
restaurant – no big deal! Actually, being the center of attention in the
restaurant wouldn’t be such a big deal anymore either. To steal the quote from
Nike – Just Do It.
I always HATE doing the restaurant thing... trying not to ask about everything so I end up w a safe gluten free meal. I really feel embarassed when the staff who takes your order looks at you like you're an alien from another planet! It kinda turns out in the end because if you get grilled chicken with a side of steamed broccoli I dnt think they can mess that up too bad :) it has slowly become my default and besides it's super healthy then! Oh! And going to Hawaii with my food scale was (as I thought) a HUGE deal... I ended up weighing my food while the ppl I was with were gone just so I didn't have to do it in front of them! I felt like a secret spy agent who was going to get found out at every corner! In my perfect world... the restaurants would have food scales on the tables instead of dessert menus. ;)